Autumn Blues Blanket


Find the Autumn Blues Pattern wherever you feel comfortable shopping.

Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy |

If you’ve followed me for any period of time, you know about my obsession with a certain six-sided shape… In fact I’m having a deja vu moment feeling like I’ve started a blog post with that exact phrase in the past. Probably. I am madly in love with hexagons, and that’s why September is Hexagon Month!

One of the patterns I’m releasing is called Autumn Blues! When I made my YouTube tutorial «Continuous Flat Braid JAYG for Hexagons» I had a ton of feedback asking for the actual hexagon pattern (which was so heart-warming btw). Well this is it! And that join linked is the one I used for this blanket! So you have a bonus video tutorial for the join 🙂

This project has a perfect mix…

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