and that was January



It’s good to be back after a longer-than-planned break. It’s been a super busy few months and I really needed to switch off from the world for a couple of weeks to recharge my batteries.

Now that I’m fully charged up, it’s time to get back in the swing of things. First up, I thought I’d kick the year off with a monthly review. Here’s what January looked like …

A new pattern is being born. Pattern writing is nearly done and then it’s off to be tested.


There’ll be a couple of variations to choose from with this one

MerryGoRound_1Being watched over by these cute puppy dog eyes whilst I stress out over deadlines for some secret projects.


Oops!  Accidentally started a big project.  A Tunisian ripple blanket just has to happen!


Challenged myself to keep up a year-long project with a temperature blanket. Will do another post on this later.

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