Is it a Tea Cosy or is it a Hat?

A friend, actually it is a friends sister, works with children and her trademark is hats, she tells me she has a whole range of them from funky to funny. It all started a few Christmases ago when she wore a santa hat for work, it caused such amusement that she has been collecting hats ever since.Zig Zag Crochet Hat

It started with this colourful stripy Ripple Tea Cosy.

Crochet Ripple Tea Cosy2

Anyway this lovely (slightly crazy lady) saw this Tea Cosy and asked me if I could make her a hat in the same style. Well it does look rather like a hat doesn’t it?

Easy peasy.

That’s what I thought, that is until I sat down to make it! The Tea Cosy is made in two halves but I thought the hat would look better with just one join, sounds simple enough, just add the number of stitches and off you go. But when…

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